April 2024
Why Greesol™️ should be part of your sustainable chemical formulation development
Inks, paints, and coatings can be used to cover almost anything in almost any colour you can think of. But within today’s industry, there’s only one colour that matters – and that’s green.
The chemicals and additives that formulate the end products that printing and coating businesses rely on have been under the sustainability microscope for many years. And, as it’s so central to so many different industries, the chemical sector has one of the loudest voices in discussions about the health of our planet. It has the potential to move the needle the most when it comes to sustainability – so chemical formulators have a responsibility to make the most of that potential by minimising the impact their portfolios and supply chains have on the environment.
Understandably, that means many formulators are turning away from traditional solvents in favour of water-based agents. The challenge here is to do so without compromising product quality and while keeping lead times as short as possible – and it’s here where distributors like ACI Group and products like Greesol™ can really add value.
Better living through chemistry
Sustainability is a complex topic with no specific definition. Say you’re a chemical formulator working on a formula for printing ink. Swapping out solvents for water-based ingredients might sound like a sustainability slam dunk, but if that water-based alternative ink starts to foam excessively, that will lead to issues on the printing press.
The foam adds an extra contact phase as the ink is transferred onto the substrate, which creates imperfections on print runs. Those imperfections increase waste in the form of defective, discarded products – and that waste comes with a carbon cost that might outweigh the cost you would have incurred had you stuck with the original solvent-based ink.
This is where our team of experts would point you towards our partners at Chem Additives, who specialise in high-performance water-based additives like Greesol. The Greesol range includes Greesol G Series, which is a high-performance defoamer. As it is miscible, it can be mixed into virtually any paint, ink, or adhesive to reduce foaming and ensure consistency with every coat. And it’s water-based, meaning it will not compromise your material sustainability goals.
Greesol E Series
The Greesol family also includes two ranges of surfactants. The first is the E series, designed for water-based industrial coatings and pressure-sensitive adhesives. They offer excellent dynamic surface tension properties, and many agents in the range – such as Greesol E40 – are specially designed to wet metal and plastic surfaces even when dust or oil may be present.
The E65 and E85 surfactants, meanwhile, can be used as a gloss agent for electroplating applications, as they are formulated to offer exceptional stability in acidic conditions.
The many formulations on offer mean there is a nearly endless list of use cases for E Series surfactants. Other applications include:
Fountain solutions
Inkjet ink
Latex dipping
Emulsion polymerisation
Pressure-sensitive adhesives
Greesol A04 Series
Greesol A04 Series is a revolutionary multifunctional silicone-free surfactant. While that’s quite a mouthful, it’s much easier to explain what A04 Series products can do: almost anything!
If you’re looking for a non-ionic surfactant ingredient that can do it all, you’ve found it. The A04 Series formula has a unique molecular structure that offers strong wetting, defoaming, and dispersing properties.
These versatile products work wonders in a wide range of industries, including:
Water-based coatings for metal, wood, and plastic
Water-based inks and varnishes
Pressure-sensitive adhesives
Paint and dye manufacturing
Metalworking fluids and fluxes
By bringing these products to the European market, we’re helping our customers develop end products that don’t cost the Earth. We take a holistic view of sustainability and use our unique role in the supply chain to make responsible choices for the betterment of our customers and our planet.
That’s why we’ve built an expansive distribution network and a portfolio of products that covers every use case from adhesives to resins, UV composites, and more. Our mission is to improve access to sustainably developed additives. If you’re looking for ways to sustainably reshape or refine your product portfolio, get in touch with us today.